Instruction for fitting Decals.
If you have difficulty peeling you decals click here to see how to do this
Fitting Decals Wet method
1. All screen decals must be placed on the inside unless stated otherwise.
2. Fit
the decal in a warm environment.
3. Clean the surface where the decal is to be fitted
thoroughly with soapy water (ensure that
the cleaner does not damage paintwork. it is important that there is no wax or
grease on the surface)
4. Place the decal on the surface and hold in place with a
piece of masking tape on one edge so that you can still lift the decal from the
5. Carefully peel off the backing that is next to the
surface that the decal is to be applied to
6. Spray a mild mixture of soap and water on the area the
decal is to be applied this will help stop air bubbles and allow you to
position the decal accurately
7. Lay the decal onto the surface, slide it into the
position you require it and with a credit card, starting at the middle work out
all the liquid
8.Leave to dry for 12 to 24
hours longer if the temperature is lower than 60 degrees
9. Carefully remove the masking tape and the decal backing
ensuring the decal does not come off with the backing. Do this slowly.
10. Do
not wash the area vigorously for a couple of weeks
Fitting Decals Dry method
optimum results, surface temperature should be above 50 F and below 90 F. If
necessary, move vehicle to a location where the temperature can be within the
installation guidelines. You will need a ruler, masking tape, scissors, lint
free cloth, a surface cleaner(isopropyl alcohol is recommended) and a slip solution is optional for
larger graphics
After determining the location for your graphic, clean the surface
with a lint free cloth and cleaner solution. Be sure to turn the cloth several
times to insure thorough cleaning and wax removal. After doing this you should
get a "squeaky" sensation when lightly dragging your fingers across
the surface.
Using small strips of masking tape, locate where the graphic is to
be installed. If the graphic has a horizontal edge or reference point, you can
use this for measuring the location from a body line or trim moulding. If the
decal has a flowing design, you'll have to step back and visually inspect its
location to determine if that is where you want it. Once this is done, make
measurements from individual points on the design and transfer the locations to
the opposite side of your vehicle. (This is the step you need to take your time
on, measure from different locations, once the graphic is installed, it cannot
be moved).
Place two strips of masking tape (slightly overlapping each other)
vertically in the approximate centre of the graphic. This is known as the
"hinge" method. This will allow you to install half of your decal at
a time.
Remove the masking tape strips from one end of the decal and
slowly peel the backing paper away, taking care not to touch the adhesive side
of the graphic. Use scissors to remove the backing paper and discard.
remove a decal
1.Use a heat gun to warm the decal and peel
it off gently
remove any additional glue use rubbing alcohol or similar compound (ensure that
this does not mark the paintwork)
If you
require extra letters due to accidental damage, theft, and vandals or for any
reason email me at [email protected]
and we will be pleased to help you.
this product arrives damaged in transit, please repack it into a suitable
envelope and return it to us for a replacement. If you send us photos of the
decals fitted you will get free shipping on your next purchase.
If you
have a problem with the size of a decal email us with the size you need &
the year and model of the vehicle
If you
need a standard decal or decal setwe do
not have, if you provide the dimensions and an image we will make this for your
at half price. All decals supplied by us
can be clear coated but have an excellent life if they are not. |